
Senegal was initially selected primarily for what we believe is the substantial potential of its under-explored Birimian greenstone gold belt, which extends into the bordering countries of Mali and Guinea. The Bassari permits exploration at Moura and exploitation at Sambarabougou cover a large area of approximately 312km2, located in the Birimian belt.

The permits are the Kenieba Inlier which host several multi-million ounce gold deposits, and extends into the bordering countries of Mali and Guinea.

Senegal has established itself as an attractive country for gold exploration, having a stable, democratically elected government and highly prospective geology. The Presidential elections held in 2019 re-elected the incumbent President.

Senegal is located in the north west of Africa on the Atlantic coast, with neighbouring countries Mauritania to the north, Guinea to the south and Mali to the east (refer Figure 9). Senegal is a relatively small country, approximately the size of Victoria (Australia), and has a population of ~12 million. The capital of Senegal is Dakar situated at the western-most point on the coast.

Figure 9 - Location of Senegal, West Africa
Figure 9 - Location of Senegal, West Africa

Bassari Resources Ltd
Bassari Resources Ltd
ACN 123 939 042
25 Colin Street
West Perth WA 6005